

🆆 U+1F186 Unicode文字











Symbol, Other(記号,その他)


Base64エンコード : 8J+Ghg==




Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement is a Unicode block consisting of Latin alphabet characters and Arabic numerals enclosed in circles, ovals or boxes, used for a variety of purposes. It is encoded in the range U+1F100–U+1F1FF in the Supplementary Multilingual Plane.
The block is mostly an extension of the Enclosed Alphanumerics block, containing further enclosed alphanumeric characters which are not included in that block or Enclosed CJK Letters and Months. Most of the characters are single alphanumerics in boxes or circles, or with trailing commas. Two of the symbols are identified as dingbats. A number of multiple-letter enclosed abbreviations are also included, mostly to provide compatibility with Broadcast Markup Language standards (see ARIB STD B24 character set) and Japanese telecommunications networks' emoji sets. The block also includes the regional indicator symbols to be used for emoji country flag support.[出典:Wikipedia]


🆆 hen it comes to the world of fashion, there are so many trends and styles to keep up with that it can be dizzying. From big-name designers to up-and-coming talent, there's always something new to see and try. But what about the world of sustainable fashion? How do we prioritize eco-friendly choices and stay on top of this emerging trend? 🆆 ith so much information out there, it can be tough to know where to start. One important step is to learn about the materials that are best for the planet, such as organic cotton, recycled polyester, and eco-friendly dyes. But it's not just about the materials - we also need to consider the ethics behind the clothes we buy. Are the workers who make them being paid fairly and treated well? Are the companies behind the clothes transparent about their supply chains and environmental impact? 🆆 hile it might seem overwhelming, there are plenty of ways to get involved in sustainable fashion. One option is to begin by supporting independent designers who prioritize ethical and eco-friendly practices. Small, local brands may be more transparent about their impact and use of sustainable materials. Another way to participate is by shopping second-hand or vintage clothing, which reduces waste and supports recycling. 🆆 n addition to buying sustainable fashion, there are other ways to make a difference. One is to minimize clothing waste by donating or repurposing items that no longer fit or are no longer in style. It can be tough to let go of clothes we love, but by passing them on we can ensure they continue to be used and enjoyed. 🆆 hat's more, we can all participate in advocacy efforts to push for broader change in the fashion industry. Writing to lawmakers, signing petitions, and supporting organizations that promote sustainable standards can help create a collective movement towards more eco-friendly practices. 🆆 uilt on the principles of mindfulness and intentionality, sustainable fashion invites us to not only look good, but to feel good about what we're wearing and the impact it has on the environment and those who make it. 🆆 oin the movement towards sustainable fashion and start making a difference today. With each mindful decision, we can help shape a brighter, more beautiful future for ourselves and the planet we call home.
